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Young Voices in Decision-making

Hub na nÓg is the national centre of excellence on giving children and young people a voice in decision-making. We support government departments, state agencies, public service and non-government organisations to give children and young people a voice on issues that affect their lives.

How does Hub na nÓg support government & public service?

study icon

Training & Development

Our training and development supports organisations to involve children and young people in decision-making in all aspects of their policy, planning, practice, services and culture.

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View our library of previous consultations with children and young people on a wide range of policy, practice and legislative initiatives.

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Hub na nÓg supports good practice in children and young people’s participation in decision-making by creating resources and showcasing relevant resources created by other organisations.

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Benefits wheel
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The National Framework for Children and Young People’s Participation in Decision-making

Read the Framework in full herearrow-right
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Have a question about child and youth participation or Hub na nÓg?

View our FAQs herearrow-right
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Toolkits and Guidelines

Practical resources to help you to give children and young people a voice on issues that affect their lives, as well as guidelines to help you to create youth-friendly versions of your work.

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Browse some of the recent publications added to our library.

How’s Your Head

In the summer of 2020, the Department of Children and Youth Affairs, working with the Department of Health and the youth sector, collaborated with

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What We Think | UNCRC, UPR, and UNCRPD Consultation 2021 with Children and Young People

The Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth (DCEDIY) undertook a series of consultations with children and young people to secure their views on the implementation of children’s rights in Ireland.

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Making our voices heard

Comhairle na nÓg Showcase 2014: Making Our Voices Heard

A national event took place in Croke Park, Dublin on the 20th November 2014. With 500 young people and Youth workers from around Ireland (members of Comhairle na nÓg), the Taoiseach, the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs

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Report of Consultations With Children on After-school Care

There has been an increasing focus on developing policy in the area of after-school care in Ireland in the past two years.

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Report of Consultations With Young People Concerning Harmful Internet Communications Including Cyber Bullying

This Report forms part of the Commission’s Fourth Programme of Law Reform. It arises against the reality that we live in a truly interconnected digital and online world.

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LGBTI+ National Youth Strategy 2018-2020: Consultations Report

This Report represents a big step forward towards delivering the world’s first Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Intersex+ (LGBTI+) National Youth Strategy

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First 5 Report on the National Consultation with Young Children

The purpose of the consultation process is to inform the development of a whole-of- Government strategy for babies, young children and their families.

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Our Work

Here are some examples of our work

Framework with steps

Implementation of the Participation Framework

Ireland was the first country in Europe to develop a strategy for child participation in decision-making. The National Framework for Children and Young People’s Participation in Decision-making was developed by Hub na nÓg in association with Professor Laura Lundy and sets out clear guidance on how to ensure children and young people are included in decision-making at policy, planning, and everyday levels. The Hub supports the implementation of the Participation Framework through the provision of training, mentoring and advice.

Innovation meeting

Online Module

Hub na nÓg is currently developing an online participation module, to be hosted on the Hub website. The module:

  • Will be grounded in the National Participation Framework, the Lundy Model of Participation and the UNCRC;
  • Will use the National Participation Framework and the Lundy Model of Participation as the cornerstone of the approach to consulting children and young people,
  • Will have a duration of approximately 3 hours and be divided into blocks for online delivery.
Online module learning

Consultations with Seldom-Heard Children and Young People

‘Seldom-heard’ is a term used to describe children and young people who have fewer opportunities and more obstacles in their lives. This includes, but is not confined to; babies, toddlers and children under the age of five, disabled children and young people, children and young people with neurodiversity, experiencing mental health issues, in care, in aftercare, from ethnic minorities, rural areas, disadvantaged areas, experiencing homelessness, young carers, children of prisoners, LGBTQI+ children and young people, quiet children and young people, aged-out unaccompanied minors and children and young people from other minority backgrounds. View our consultation reports in our resources section today.

innovation meeting

Innovation of Methodologies

Hub na nÓg is currently working with groups of key expert stakeholders to develop innovative methodologies for the participation of two seldom-heard groups in particular. These are:

  • The Early Years Working Group, which is currently assisting us in the development of an Early Years Toolkit, literature review and set of case studies.
  • The Disabilities Working Group, which is guiding the creation of a set of guidelines for policy makers and practitioners on the participation of disabled children and young people in decision-making.