A Parent’s Story

Resources / Case Studies / A Parent’s Story

A Parent’s Story

A parent’s story about the impact on children of having their voices heard


Every morning, my two-year-old daughter cried on the short walk over to her crèche. One day, on seeing an electrician fixing the broken doorbell, the children suggested: “Why don’t you get a new doorbell and put it down low so we can ring it.” The crèche owner readily agreed. The height of the smallest child was used to ensure that all the children could reach, and the new doorbell was installed. Since that day, my daughter has skipped over to crèche excited in the knowledge she can ring the doorbell herself. This has meant happier, stress free mornings for everyone: my daughter, us (her parents) and the childcare workers. Something so small and insignificant to the adult world has made a huge difference to her daily routine.

How the children were ensured SPACE, VOICE, AUDIENCE and INFLUENCE


  • The children felt safe to express their views in the familiar setting of their crèche.
  • The decision-makers (staff and crèche owner) allowed time to listen to the children.
  • The staff and crèche owner made sure that all the children were heard.


  • The children were able to raise an issue that mattered to them.
  • The children were able to suggest a solution that would work for them.


  • The staff and crèche owner showed the children that they were ready and willing to listen to them.
  • They made it clear that they were willing to do something about the children’s views.


  • The staff and crèche owner showed the children that they were ready and willing to listen to them.
  • They made it clear that they were willing to do something about the children’s views.

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