Case Studies

Resources / Case Studies

Case Studies

These case studies highlight good practice in giving children and young people a meaningful voice in decision-making. In all these examples, children and young people were given space, voice, audience, and influence, and had the opportunity to effectively take part in decision-making.

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Youth Voice on Living in Special Care

Ballydowd is a special care unit that provides stability in a secured therapeutic environment for young people between the ages of 12 and 17.


Youth Involvement in a LGBTI+ Youth Strategy

The vision guiding the world’s first LGBTI+ youth strategy, the LGBTI+ National Youth Strategy 2018–2020 (the Strategy), is underpinned by the Better Outcomes, Brighter Futures National Policy Framework for Children and Young People 2014–2020 (BOBF)


Youth Voice in a Climate Justice Plan

In October 2019, Foróige’s Reference Panel identified climate justice as an issue affecting all of society and young people in particular.


Youth Voice in School Leavers Programme

The topic was identified by two youth workers, based on interactions with young people facing the transition from second-level education.


Children’s Voice in Pre-School Project

At Creative Kids & Co., the most important aspect of our work is children’s participation in decision-making in their own learning


case studies

Hear our Voices!

The Children’s Council and The Ark are delighted to launch HEAR OUR VOICE today. These instructions will ensure children’s views are listened to and considered in every aspect of The Ark and beyond!
