

View our range of resources related to child and youth participation, in Ireland and abroad.

Participation Framework and Checklists

View the National Framework for Children and Young People’s Participation in Decision-making, which supports departments, agencies and organisations to improve their participation practice with children and young people, along with its associated checklists.

The Library

A comprehensive collection of resources related to child and youth participation. These include examples of national and international good practice, government, legal and academic publications, policy documents, practical resources, relevant articles, and more.

Consultation Reports

Hub na nÓg works with the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth in leading on the planning and conducting of consultations and other initiatives with children and young people.

Case Studies

Our Case Studies highlight good practice in giving children and young people a meaningful voice in decision-making in a variety of different organisational and everyday settings.


View a collection of practical child and youth participation resources developed by us and by others that will assist you and your organisation in giving children and young people a voice.