Capacity Building Grant

Capacity Building Grant

Capacity Building Grant

The Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth (DCEDIY) has established a fund to support implementation of the National Participation Framework for Children and Young People’s Participation in Decision-Making (2021) within everyday spaces and settings where practitioners work directly with children and young people.

Training and capacity building for decision-makers is one of the four enabling factors that underpin the effective implementation of the Framework. This grant scheme aims to build capacity and support organisations in a journey towards improving their practice in listening to children and young people and giving them a voice in decision-making in their day-to-day practices, services, projects, programmes or activities. Over 100 applications were received from organisations across the Arts Sector, Disability Service Providers, Early Learning Care/School Aged Childcare Providers, Traveller Service Providers, Disability Service Providers, Homeless Service Providers and Youth Justice Organisations.

building capacity grant

The next round of funding will be aimed at sports organisations and is due to be announced in the coming months.

Breakdown of Funding Awarded

Arts Organisations: €23553.89
Early Learning Care/School Aged Childcare: €82591
Traveller Service Providers: €12923
Disability Service Providers: €18503.64
Homeless Service Providers: €6479.04
Youth Justice: €5200

how-does-the-hub-works girl holding hand up and teacher looking at her

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