
Resources / Consultations


These reports detail some of the consultations run by Hub na nÓg and other organisations.

  • Sector

  • Year

  • Topic

  • Sector

  • Year

  • Topic

A Study of the Experience of Pupils with Special Education Needs at Post Primary School

This research report on the experiences of young students with special educational needs (SEN), and their parents, of the move from primary to
post primary school.

Sector: Policy Makers, Academics & Researchers, Professionals & Practitioners
Topic: Education, Special Education
Tag: Children, Young People



Report on a Consultation with Children and Young People on Education for Sustainable Development

A key recommendation from the National Strategy on Education for Sustainable Development (2014-2020) states that pupils and students should be consulted on the issue of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) in order to inform future policy (Department of Education and Skills, 2014).

Sector: Policy Makers, Professionals & Practitioners
Topic: Education, Sustainability
Tag: Children, Young People



So, How Was School Today? Report of a Survey on How Young People are Taught and How They Learn

Comhairle na nÓg National Executive developed this survey in response to Comhairle members, who identified their top issue as the need for young people to have a stronger say on what happens in the classroom.

Sector: Policy Makers, Academics & Researchers, Professionals & Practitioners
Topic: Education, Comhairle na nÓg
Tag: Children, Young People



Children Seen and Heard 1916-2016

The Citizen Participation Unit of the Department of Children and Youth Affairs (DCYA), recognised as a leading authority on the practice of participation,1 partnered with Ireland 2016 and the Department of Arts

Sector: Policy Makers
Topic: Heritage
Tag: Children, Young People



Healthy Lifestyle (Department of Health)

This consultation was one of two consultations with children and young people from all around Ireland on the theme ‘Healthy lifestyles: Have your say’

Sector: Policy Makers
Topic: Health and Wellbeing
Tag: Children, Young People



Consultation report

Report on Consultations With Children and Young People on Cruinniú na nÓg

This report details the outcomes of consultations with children and young people on Cruinniú na nÓg, a new national day of creativity for children and young people, an initiative of the Creative Ireland Programme at the Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht

Sector: Policy Makers
Topic: Cruinniú na nÓg
Tag: Children, Young People

